MMS Marketplace Logo

Onboarding tasks

Complete the onboarding tasks to sell on the marketplace as quickly as possible.

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KYC Verification

The Know Your Customer (KYC) process helps us identify and verify the identity of our sellers. Some payment industry regulations require this for paying out individuals and business entities. It is a requirement for our payout solution (Hyperwallet) to allow you to start selling and receiving payouts.

The Know Your Customer (KYC) process

By default, the status of each new store is: "Awaiting KYC data"

The KYC status appears in a banner in the Mirakl back office:

  • In the header of your dashboard

  • In the details on the "Seller" page: Settings > Seller > My account tab

To start the KYC (Know Your Customer) Verification process, please provide the following information:

  1. Bank account Details

  2. Fill in Seller Account Details and provide Documents

Bank Account details

Provide details for payments to your bank account.

Bank Account details

Please fill the Bank account details with those following information:

  • Bank account owner Name

  • Bank Name

  • Zip Code/Postal address

  • City/Town

  • IBAN

  • BIC

After filling out your bank account details and completing the required information in your shop, the KYC validation process begins.

Bank account details

Seller invoicing and billing information

Please pay attention to the information provided as it will be used for billing purposes.

Go to "Billing information"

The information provided in the tab “Billing information” will be used for reporting and invoicing purposes. Edit them if necessary.


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Registration & Shop Setup

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Shipping configuration & Carriers

- Carrier configuration - Shipping zones and methods - Logistic classes - Manage shipping costs - Leadtime to ship and free shipping​

Learn how