Become a MediaMarktSaturn Marketplace Seller

Selling on the MediaMarktSaturn platform offers an excellent opportunity to make your products available to a wide audience of consumers across Europe. As one of the leading electronics retailers in Europe, MediaMarktSaturn has an impressive reach and presence, enabling sellers to successfully grow their business on the platform.

Tasks FAQ

A close partnership with multiple benefits!

Get all the benefits of being a seller and sell now to millions of users:

  • Strong Growth

  • Easy payment processing

  • Large customer base

  • A trusted brand

  • Benefit from our traffic and draw customer interest to your products

Customerbase FAQ

Our Marketplace requirements

Registration FAQ

✓ Registration with VIES

Legal FAQ

✓ Registered legal entity, VAT ID and bank account within the EU

Product1 FAQ

✓ Each product has an EAN

Support FAQ

✓ Local Language Customer Support (by phone and email)

Delivered FAQ

✓ Shipping direct to consumer & return management from a EU warehouse

Your onboarding in just a few steps

Learn everything you need to know to sell successfully at MediaMarktSaturn. From the requirements to customer care - we guide you through the entire process. Our team is happy to help you growing our business together!

technicalintegration4 FAQ

1. Registration & Shop Setup

- Registration - Onboarding tasks - Shipping configuration & Carriers - User Management - Accelerate your onboarding

Learn how
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2. Product Creation

- Build your product catalog - Choose your creation method - Product Management

Learn how
Offer creation

3. Offer Creation

- The basics about offer creation - Manual Offer Creation and Update - Offer file Creation and Update

Learn how
Order processing

4. Order & Shop Management

- Sales cycle & responsibilities - Order details, processing and invoicing - Seller Dashboard - Customer Care

Learn how