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Registration with invitation link

To start your shop creation process, you will initially be sent an email including a link from our Partner-Management team. This link will direct you to the shop creation page. This link remains valid for 48 hours.

How to register with invitation link?

  1. Click on the link provided via e-mail and fill in the required fields. ​You will need the following information:

    • User E-Mail address​

    • Seller account name (The name visible to customers)

  2. For professional companies (Non Sole-Traders)​

    • Company name​

    • Company registration number​

    • Tax ID number​

  • For non professional companies/sole-traders:​
    Please fill in your Tax ID number in the 'Additional mandatory information needed' section, but do not check the 'Professional' box.​

​Contact details (These details will be displayed on your invoices)​

  • ​Title​

  • Last and First Name​

  • E-Mail Address (We recommend you use a professional contact email address such as "[email protected]" instead of a personal email address)​

  • Business address


3. Payouts will be done via the Hyperwallet service. In this step, review and accept their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and provide additional information. To sell on the Marketplace, accepting the Hyperwallet Privacy Policy and the Terms of Service is required.

4. The date of birth is used for verification purposes for sellers who are individuals or sole traders.​

5. Fill in the Tax-ID number (VAT) for verification purposes.​​

Complete the registration form by providing information that will be visible to your customers and uploading necessary business documents. Accept the terms and conditions and click “Save”.​

​Once your shop is created, you will receive a confirmation email instructing you on how to set your password for your user account.​ After setting your password, you will be redirected to the Seller login page.


The Digital Services Act (DSA) entered into force on 17.02.2024. As part of this EU-wide legal requirement, it is mandatory for the seller to add the following information during registration:

6. Upload in Mirakl the identity document or passport of the beneficial owners, if there are more than 2 beneficial owners, the seller must merge the identity documents into 1 document, as there are only 2 upload fields available.

7. Self-declaration, sellers are obliged to offer only products that comply with the provisions of EU law.

Sellers must tick the drop-down in their seller profile by ticking the option ‘Yes’.

DSA new

Signing into your seller back-office

To log in to your shop, go to our production environment and sign in with your seller credentials.

Let's start!

You need an email address as your user name and a password.

During your registration, you received a link to create a new password for your account.

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Registration & Shop Setup

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Onboarding tasks

- KYC Verification - Bank Account details - Seller invoicing and billing information

Learn how