Sales Cycle & Responsibilities

By adhering to these additional guidelines and providing outstanding customer service, you can build a strong reputation as a trusted seller on MediaMarkt. Remember, happy customers are more likely to return and recommend your products to others, contributing to the overall success of our marketplace.

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Table of Content


Sales Cycle


Seller responsibilities and obligations

order fullfilment

Order fulfillment

ReturnReplace FAQ

Returns and Refunds

Sales Cycle

Sales cycle

What are the responsibilities?


Order Workflow & Status

  • This information reflects a basic overview. For a detailed overview for programming purposes, please contact our team or review the API Ressources.

  • The fraud check is carried out by the marketplace before order acceptance.

Order Workflow

Seller responsibilities and obligations

CustomerService FAQ

Customer Service

Customer service is fundamental to the success of our marketplace. Therefore, all sellers are expected to provide courteous and professional responses to our customers. As the seller, you are responsible for handling all customer inquiries, complaints, and related issues arising from the Marketplace. If any Marketplace customers reach out to us, we will direct them to you since they made their purchase from your store. To make it easy for customers to contact you, please provide your contact details on your seller landing page. Remember to have a functional customer service phone line and email available in the language used for the purchase location to ensure effective communication with your customers.

SendingInvoice FAQ 1

Sending Purchase Invoices

To assure that we build trust with or customers and to reduce inquiries and complaints, it is mandatory for the seller to send the purchase invoice to the customer. Also, providing information on order status, such as shipping tracking, delays, cancellations, etc., is crucial.

Order fulfillment

Group 1

Timely Order Processing

Efficient order processing is vital for customer trust. Confirm orders promptly, be transparent about processing times, use reliable carriers, offer fast shipping options, and communicate proactively with customers. Organize your inventory and handle busy periods wisely to maintain timely deliveries. These practices lead to satisfied customers and a successful business in the Marketplace.

Group 2

Shipping and Delivery

Provide reliable shipping options with estimated delivery times. Keep customers informed about the status of their orders, including tracking information.

Group 3

Out-of-Stock Items

If an item becomes out-of-stock, update your offer listing immediately to avoid receiving orders that cannot be fulfilled.

Returns and Refunds

ReturnPolicies FAQ

Return Policies

Clearly communicate your return policies to customers in your seller landing page in MIRAKL. Provide information about return eligibility, timeframes, and any associated fees.

ReturnReplace FAQ

Refunds and Replacements

Process refunds or replacements promptly when required. Address customer concerns regarding returns professionally and courteously.

Order processing

Order & Shop Management

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order details 2

Order details, processing and invoicing

- Order details in the seller backoffice - Order processing - Customer invoice uploading

Learn more