Learn the fundamentals to achieve success
A product always has the following mandatory characteristics:​​
Product name​
Product_ID / EAN
An offer always has the following mandatory characteristics:​
​Condition (New, refurbished)​
Stock quantity availability
Whether you are creating a new listing or updating an existing one, you, the seller, are responsible for the accuracy of the information when you add an offer. Check your product catalogue before publishing!
Take advantage of our content, add your offer only
There is no strict requirement to integrate a product into the Catalog Manager.​
​MediaMarktSaturn Marketplace already offers a huge collection of high-quality product datasheets that you can leverage to your advantage. If you prefer not to integrate products initially or wish to exclude items that have already been published, please simply create an offer.​
​Efficiently identifying which products are already published and can be directly linked to your offer is a simple process using the EAN (European Article Number). By providing the EAN, you can establish the connection between your offer and the existing published products. This can be done within the Seller Backoffice, by importing a file or API.