Customer care​

Bei MediaMarkt legen wir großen Wert auf Kundenzufriedenheit. Wir möchten sicherstellen, dass jeder Kauf über unsere Plattform ein außergewöhnliches Erlebnis für unsere Kunden ist. Als Verkäufer auf unserem Marktplatz spielen Sie eine entscheidende Rolle, um dies zu erreichen. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie wichtige Informationen über Ihre Pflichten als Verkäufer und wie Sie unseren Kunden den bestmöglichen Service bieten können.

Customer Care

Incoming messages

Click on > Messages

A daily monitoring is highly recommended. According to our Terms and Conditions, you must answer questions related to orders within 48 hours. On this page you will find all threads that have been started with a customer. It is important to note that customers do not have access to the back office and therefore cannot write a message to you directly.​

  1. You can filter messages by subject, customers name, order number or last message date.​

incoming messages

Starting a thread with a customer​

Click on > Orders > Select Order. From the order detail page click on "Messages/Unread Messages"​

  1. Start a Conversation​

  2. Choose the Recipient. ​
    Here you can select to whom the message should go (Customer or Operator)​

  3. Select a topic.​

  4. Type your message.​

  5. If the customer requests a copy of the invoice, you can add an attachment via "Attach a file".​

thread with a customer

Incident Management

Click on Customer Care > Incidents

Our Customer Care team or the customer can open an incident under special situations. Incidents must be responded to immediately, because the customer has an active complaint, or something is wrong with the order. ​

  1. By clicking on the order number, you will be redirected to the order detail page.​

  2. From here you can contact our Customer Care Team (Operator) and the customer to find a solution.​
    When you have solved the problem, click on "Mark as solved" and inform us about your action with a message to us (Message to Operator). We will then check the status and close the incident.​

An opened incident is captured in your statistics and freezes the order cycle.

Incident Management

Refund process

Click on Orders > Select Order​

  1. Click “Refund” on the order detail page: Refund (total or partial) can be made up to 200 days after shipment.​ Several options are possible for a refund:​

    • Order’s amount​

    • Units of products​

    • Shipping costs’ amount​

  2. Click on “Refund” to initiate the refund to the customer. A notification is automatically sent to the customer.​


Order processing

Order & Shop Management

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